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Writer's pictureKirsten Farquhar

Week 16 .

Collecting my thoughts, artist research & more photoshoots

Collecting my thoughts

This week kinda started off a wee bit off. I had my tutorial with Pernille and I felt like shit cause I had nothing new to show her, I couldn't even explain my ideas properly cause to be honest, I feel a bit lost in my project.

I have made a start on attempting to build a dolls house but I'm not confident in it, it's looking like a primary-school-art-show-paper-mache-pile-of-shite so I didn't show her it. My dilemma right now is that this dolls house attempt could either go really well or use up all my time when I could've worked on other ideas and saved this idea for next year...

Anyway, since I had nothing to share with Pernille, she suggested I make time to simply sit down and have a wee think about this dolls house idea. I need to have an proper understanding of the pre-narrative of the house - who? where? what? why? when? Pernille also suggested to me I should focus on the transformative nature of sound, maybe consider sound pieces on their own, not seeing but hearing.

I feel like I'm sorta falling back into my old way of trying to avoid making art about myself. I keep trying to make this house about the subconscious mind in general, when in fact my life would be a million times easier if I start directing the focus to myself like how I originally intended.


This house is a representation of my mind. It doesn't have to be relatable but it will inevitably be relatable to certain people. What is important is that I can get my thoughts out and make turn them into art. My mind is like a house, it has many rooms and hallways and so much going on.

Artist Research

This week I have been looking at artists who have continuously inspired me throughout the years such as Bill Viola, Bruce Nauman and Pipilotti Rist. I feel like in high school and college we are always told to keep looking for new artists and teachers/ lecturers would complain/mark you down if they see that you've wrote about an artist you have already looked at. I totally agree that it is good practice to be constantly searching for new inspiration, that is something I am constantly doing, but I also feel like it is good to hold on to specific artists to which you have connected with time and time again. I also like including them again in my blogs each semester to simply remind myself of my own research.

Bill Viola

His works mainly focuses on the ideas behind fundamental human experiences such as birth, death and aspects of consciousness.

Viola’s work explores time passing, life, mortality, and dreams.

For him birth and death, the markers which define our life-span, ‘are mysteries in the truest sense of the word, not meant to be solved, but rather experienced and inhabited. This is the source of their knowledge’

Through ghostly and hypnotic use of performance, film, sound and projection, his work exposes the vulnerability of life and the nature of human experience, challenging the viewers own views on life and mortality.

Last semester I read his book, 'Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House,' and it was interesting flicking through the many essays, notebook entries, drawings, and descriptions and getting to see a glimpse into the mind of Bill Viola.

Pipilotte Rist

Although her work is considered feminist art, she has once said, “For me, the image of a woman in my art does not stand just for women: she stands for all humans. I hope a young guy can take just as much from my art as any woman.”

Rist’s art has a longing and a need to reflect and understand the phenomena of what is around and within us, physically and otherwise. Her imaginary worlds carve a unique vision, with all the attendant depth and weight of painting – an art form that has culturally sustained us, and our imaginations, for centuries. Rist, however, paints with light, cameras and keyboards. As she explains: ‘I regard videos as moving paintings, behind glasses or caressing away walls.’ Her work is a 21st-century vision of our bodies, the heavens, our wildest dreams and our cultural imaginings: ‘I want to create spaces for video art that rethink the very nature of the medium itself. I want to discover new ways of configuring the world, both the world outside and the world within.' (MCA AU)

Bruce Nauman

Bruce Nauman is an inventive artist who has continually tested what an artwork can be, by reshaping old forms and creating new ones. His ground-breaking works using sound, film, video and neon have influenced generations of artists.

Another photoshoot for Sara

This week I also helped Sara out again by taking photos for her ropes photoshoot which depicts the oppression in Iran.


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